Angular 8 Training

Angular 8 Training Overview

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This course aims to use Angular 8 and above to build fast, modern, and scalable Web applications (SPAs). It discusses the design criteria of the SPA and then leads the students through the creation process of an Angular system.

The course will address TypeScript, the basic language in Angular Architecture that includes all of the key elements of Angular: modules, templates, pipes, services, and directives. Students would create a complete application, construct and test form, use routing and animation, and create custom modules, pipes, and directives. They will communicate with web services using the Angular HTTP module, and explore promises and observables. Learners will have gone through the process of developing a Single Page Application (SPA) for Angular before the end of the class and happily extend their knowledge to apps that they need to build on the job.

Angular 8 Training Objective

  • Creating Angular components
  • Binding data and events
  • Creating and validating Angular forms
  • Adding routes to Angular applications
  • Unit Testing Angular components
  • Understanding the basics of jasmine for writing test cases 
  • Invoking REST API and observables
  • Knowing the need for reactive programming 
  • Building Angular custom directives

Angular 8 Training Audience

This course is designed for developers of JavaScript or typescript who use Angular to create single-page applications.

Angular 8 Training Prerequisites

To take this course, learners must be comfortable with JavaScript, CSS, HTML and good to have ES6. To benefit the most out of the program, it is recommended to have at least 1 simple application built with JavaScript experience.

Angular 8 Training Outline

  • What Are Single Page Applications?
  • Angular vs. AngularJS
  • One Framework, All Platforms
  • Introducing Typescript
  • Creating Components
  • Displaying Data with One-Way Data Binding
  • Binding Methods and Events
  • Updating Data with Two-Way Data Binding
  • Enumerating Data with *ngFor
  • Creating Angular Modules
  • Principles of Unit Testing
  • Testing the application with Protractor and Jasmine 
  • Testing Angular Using the Karma Framework
  • Introducing the Routing Module
  • Adding Routes
  • Passing Parameters
  • Programmatic Navigation
  • Template vs. Model-Driven Forms
  • Validation in Template-Driven Forms
  • Creating Functional Reactive Forms
  • Validation in Model-Driven Forms
  • Styling Forms to Reflect Control State
  • Transforming Data with Pipes
  • Creating Custom Pipes
  • Creating Reusable Services
  • Using Services From Components
  • Introduction to Observables
  • Using the Angular HTTP Service
  • Making Calls to Web Services
  • Returning Observables and Promises
  • Filtering and Debouncing for Performance
  • Creating Custom Directives
  • Attribute Directives
  • Structural Directives and Templates
  • Animating State Transitions
  • Defining Triggers
  • Controlling Animation Timing
  • Keyframe Animations
  • Deploying to Production


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