Apache Spark Training

Apache Spark Training Overview

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Apache Spark is a big data processing framework and its popularity lies in the fact that it is fast, easy to use and offers sophisticated solutions to data analysis. Its built-in modules for streaming, machine learning, SQL, and graph processing make it useful in diverse Industries like Banking, Insurance, Retail, Healthcare, and Manufacturing.

Apache Spark Training Objective

  • Understand the architecture of Spark and explain its business use cases
  • Distribute, store, and process data using RDDs in a Hadoop cluster
  • Use Spark SQL for querying DBs
  • Write, configure, and deploy Spark applications on a cluster
  • Use the Spark shell for interactive data analysis
  • Process and query structured data using Spark SQL

Apache Spark Training Audience

Professionals aspiring to learn the basics of Big Data Analytics using Spark Framework and become a Spark Developer. In addition, it would be useful for Analytics Professionals and ETL developers as well.

Apache Spark Training Prerequisites

Those wishing to take the Apache Spark certification training should have a fundamental knowledge of any programming language and a basic understanding of any database, SQL, and query language for databases. Working knowledge of Linux- or Unix-based systems is also beneficial.

Apache Spark Training Outline

  • What is Spark?
  • Spark Overview
  • Setting up environment
  • Build a simple Spark project with Eclipse & Maven
  • Using Spark Shell
  • Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
  • Spark Context
  • Spark Ecosystem
  • In-Memory Computations in Spark
  • Creating, Loading and Saving RDD
  • Transformations on RDD
  • Actions on RDD
  • Key-Value Pair Transformation on RDDs
  • RDD Partitioning
  • RDD Persistence
  • Spark Applications vs. Spark Shell
  • Spark Runtime Architecture
  • Creating Spark Context
  • Building a Spark Application
  • Deploying Spark Applications using Spark-Submit
  • RDD Lineage
  • Jobs, Stages and Tasks
  • Partition and Shuffles
  • Data Locality
  • Join with or without Partitioner, stages and tasks, etc
  • Spark Web UI
  • Overview on Hive
  • Spark SQL Architecture
  • SparkSession in Spark SQL
  • Working with DataFrames
  • Integrating Spark SQL with Hive
  • Integrating Spark SQL with JDBC Sources (MySQL)
  • Integrating Spark SQL with NoSQL DB (Cassandra)
  • Handling CSV, JSON and Parquet File Formats
  • Loading and Saving Data
  • Spark Streaming Architecture
  • Spark Streaming Transformations
  • Rolling Window and Check pointing
  • Integrating Spark with Kafka Streaming Data
  • Structured Streaming
  • Integrating Spark with Twitter Streaming Data
  • Spark Streaming Performance Considerations
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • ML library for Spark
  • ML Concepts and Algorithms
  • Typical Steps in ML Pipeline – Executors and Transformers
  • ML using Pipelines and DataFrames
  • Recommendation Engine – Practical Use Case
  • Overview of GraphX
  • Components of GraphX – VertexRDD, EdgeRDD and Triplets
  • Develop simple application with GraphX
  • Transformations on GraphX
  • Hands on – PageRank, TriangleCount Algorithms
  • Common Spark Use-cases
  • Shared Variables: Broadcast Variables
  • Shared Variables: Accumulators
  • Common Performance Issues
  • Performance Tuning Tips
  • Spark WebUI
  • Monitoring Driver and Executor Logs


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