C++ Training Overview
C++ is a middle programming language developed from Bell Labs by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. C++ runs on various platforms, including Dos, Mac OS, and UNIX. The C++ tutorial adopts a practical and straightforward approach to demonstrating the advanced software engineering principles of C++ to beginners.
C++ Training Objective
- Become familiar with the syntax, semantics and all the main concepts of C++
- Introducing the concepts of object oriented with C++ programming language.
- Knowing when to use c++ concepts, with OOPS and procedural programming
- Understand major strategies and various design patterns to create the simplest, most flexible and most reliable C++ code
C++ Training Audience
Anybody who wants to know the advantages of OOPS language, and to elevate the programming skills from procedural programming to object-oriented programming.
C++ Training Prerequisites
There is no pre-requisite to learn C++ language, having an understanding of C Programming will greatly help, and theory knowledge of OOPs is an advantage.
C++ Training Outline
History of C++
What is Object Oriented Programming
Application Of C++
A Simple C++ Program
Structure of a C++ Program
Data Types
Type Compatibility
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Increment Operators
Conditional Operators
Bitwise Operators
Special Operators
Operators in C++
Order of Precedence
Operator Overloading
Control Structure
Simple if Statement
if – else Statement
switch Statement
do Statement
break Statement
for Statement
Additional features of for loop
Nested for loops
Introduction to arrays
One dimensional Arrays
Two dimensional Arrays
Reading String From The Terminal
Reading Multi-word String From The Terminal
String Handling Functions
Table of Strings
The main() function
Simple C++ functions
Functions Prototyping
Return Value and Their Types
Function Overloading
Friend And Virtual Functions
Revision of C Structures
Limitations of C Structures
Creating Objects
Accessing Class Member
Defining Member Functions Classes And structures
Private Member Functions
Static Data Members
Static Member Functions
Array of Objects
Objects As Function Arguments
Friend Functions
Default Constructor
Argumented constructor
Copy Constructor
Multiple Constructor
Definition of operator overloading
Overloading Unary Operator using Member function
Overloading Unary Operator using Friend function
Overloading Binary Operator using Member function
Overloading Binary Operator using Friend function
Base Class
Derived Class
Types of Inheritance
Virtual Base Class
Abstract Class
Introduction To Pointers
Pointer To Object
this Pointer
Pointer to derived Classes
Virtual Functions
C++ Streams
Opening And Closing a File
Detecting End of File
File Pointers And Their Applications
Sequential Input And Output Operations
write() And read() Functions
More About open() : File Modes
Reading And Writing – A Class Object
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