Docker and Kubernetes Training

Docker and Kubernetes Training Overview

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The most common containerization platform is Docker. Kubernetes is the most commonly used platform for orchestrating containers such as Docker. All form a good foundation for the next world of DevOps. The code which worked well during creation often does not work seamlessly throughout the world. The important issue of portability has been overcome by containers, which enables you to isolate code from the underlying infrastructure. Developers may bundle their framework into a small container picture including all the containers and dependencies that they need to run correctly. This system can be run on any device with a containerization framework in development.

Docker and Kubernetes Training Objective

Learn Docker and Kubernetes so that you can build, test, and deploy production-grade Docker applications with Kubernetes.  Which helps to deploy the application faster and more reliable.

Docker and Kubernetes Training Audience

Anybody who wants to be a DevOps expert, and understand how containerization works against the physical or virtual computer.


Docker and Kubernetes Training Prerequisites

Anybody with basic programming knowledge can attend.  Having theoretical knowledge DevOps is an added advantage, still, the course can be tailor-made based on the audience.

Docker and Kubernetes Training Outline

  • Installing Docker on Ubuntu/CentOS/Windows/Mac
  • Setting Up a Local Docker Host by Using Vagrant
  • Running Hello World in Docker
  • Running a Docker Container in Detached Mode
  • Creating, Starting, Stopping, and Removing Containers
  • Docker images explained
  • Search and pull Docker images from Docker Hub
  • Building containers from images
  • Creating our own docker image on docker hub
  • Pushing your docker image to Docker Hub
  • Writing Your First Dockerfile and build your own Docker image
  • Dockerfile instructions
  • Packaging a Java web Application Inside a Container using Dockerfile

● Docker Daemon
● Docker CLI
● Docker Registries

  • Create containers holding volumes
  • Share volumes across containers.
  • Named volumes
  • Checking volumes used by a container
  • Share a host directory with one or many containers.
  • Container Networking Basics
  • Different types of Network drivers
  • Creating a network
  • Communication between containers
  • Multi-host networking
  • Introduction to Container Orchestration
  • Docker Swarm v/s Kubernetes
  • Creating a Multi-Node Kubernetes Cluster with Vagrant
  • Starting Containers on a Kubernetes Cluster with Pods
  • Writing Kubernetes manifestation file
  • Taking Advantage of Labels for Querying Kubernetes Objects
  • Running Multiple Containers in a Pod
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Kubernetes Core
  • Kubernetes API Primitives
  • POD
  • ReplicationSet
  • ReplicationController
  • DaemonSet
  • Deployments
  • StatefulSet
  • Services: ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer
  • Jobs, CronJobs
  • emptyDir
  • hostPath
  • Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim with NFS storage
  • Types of secrets
  • Use secretes through volume
  • Use secretes through environment variable
  • Complete CI/CD deployment using CI/CD leveraging GIT, Maven, Docker, and Kubernetes.


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