Perl Training

Perl Training Overview

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This course is for new people or has the knowledge in Perl at beginners level or basic knowledge of shell scripting who need to excel. Participants can learn how to create comprehensible programs using Perl functions using the best methods to deal with Perl functions and operators. How to use object-oriented Packages and Perl tools, quickly locate and use packages for programming complex subjects, arranging data with arrays and hash, reading, and writing papers.

Perl Training Objective

  • Could manipulate data
  • Reading and writing from a file 
  • Read a directory 
  • Effectively use lists, arrays and hashes 
  • Read scope and references 
  • Construct subroutines.
  • Creating custom reports
  • Use regular expressions to extract data and perform string manipulation.

Perl Training Audience

To UNIX, Linux windows owners, software engineers, programmers, and power users who would like to be productive in Perl, this course will benefit.

Perl Training Prerequisites

This course will be valued for UNIX, Linux, Windows administrators, software engineers, programmers and power users who want to be productive in Perl.


Perl Training Outline

  • A Minimal Program
  • Scalar Variables
  • Quotes
  • Reading in Lines
  • Looping: while
  • Programming Aid
  • Scalar Variable Review
  • Scalar Operators
  • Manipulating Numbers
  • Manipulating Strings
  • if and unless Statements
  • while and until Statements
  • for Statements
  • Labels, goto, last, and next
  • Statement Modifiers
  • do Statements and Expressions
  • Definition of a List
  • Working with Lists
  • For each and map
  • Context: List, Scalar, Boolean, and Void
  • Functions Returning a List
  • Array Basics
  • Positional Variables
  • push, pop, shift, unshift
  • sort, split, join
  • Hash Basics
  • Hash Manipulation
  • The m Operator
  • Definitions and pl
  • Basic Regular Expressions
  • Subexpressions
  • Substitution Command
  • Subroutine Basics
  • References
  • Scope
  • Review
  • Working with a File
  • Performing read and write operations
  • Perl Documentation
  • Using a Module
  • Working with OO Packages


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