Selenium Advance Training

Selenium Advance Training Overview

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To create the self-sustaining automation framework which helps to test the given web application and using the BDD approach. And having the application testing with 1 click work or with webhooks with SCM integration and pipeline with Jenkins.

Selenium Advance Training Objective

Creating POM framework
Automation with multiple browsers using selenium grid
Passing multiple values with BDD approach
Working with Cucumber
Integrating Selenium with Cucumber
Understanding the need of CI/CD
Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to GitHub
Creating Hooks or 1 click deploy

Selenium Advance Training Audience

Anybody who wants to have a deeper understanding of setting up automation framework, and understand integration of Selenium, Cucumber and DevOps tool like Jenkins.

Selenium Advance Training Prerequisites

Should have good hold on writing selenium script, and known basics of writing selenium generic codes, and understanding of POM. Having conceptual understanding of CI/CD is an advantage.

Selenium Advance Training Outline

Introduction to Page Object Model Framework
Creating Repository Class
Using properties file
Working with Selenium Grid
Introduction Remote Web Driver
Configuring Hub

Configuring Node
Running scripts on remote computer / parallel execution
Introduction to Framework
Different types of Framework
Framework Implementation
Introduction to Behavior Driven Development
Driving Implementation and Design from Scenarios

Creating an Application from Scratch using Scenarios
Crafting acceptance criteria for user stories
Writing executable examples for each criteria
Documenting Scenarios with Gherkin
TDD & BDD in Real-World Setting,
TDD Beyond
How to Write Feature Files with Gherkin Language
Features and Scenarios with Given-When-Then (But, And)
Writing Step-Implementations in Java
Creating TestRunners to Execute Tests
Creating Tags to on Feature File
Working with DataTable, Scenario and Scenario Outline
Understanding Hooks
Using Tags for different type of tests like Sanity, Smoke, Regression etc.

Agile Practices
Introduction to DevOps
Role Of Testers in DevOps
Introduction to CI-CD
Introduction to Continuous Testing
Difference between CI and CD
Introduction to different CI systems like Jenkins, Hudson, Team City
Comparison of different CI/CD systems
Different Levels of Testing performed in Continuous Testing (Unit, Integration, UAT)
Applying BDD in Continuous Testing

Seeding the POM framework code on GitHub
Creating the pipeline using Jenkins
Viewing HTML Report
Understanding real work project and Queries



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