Naveen Kumar

Naveen Kumar

Corporatesss Trainersss, Consultantssssss
Training Experience - 15 Years

A highly motivated and ambitious individual able to give timely and accurate advice, guidance, support, and training to team members and individuals. Possessing excellent management skills and having the ability to work with the minimum of supervision whilst leading a team of fresher’s and experienced. Having a proven ability to lead by example, consistently hit targets, improves best practices, and organizes time efficiently.

Technical Skills

Operating System UNIX, Linux, Windows XP/2000/9x, MS-DOS.
IDE Eclipse, NetBeans
Dialects Java 8, Java 9, Java 10, JEE (Servlets, JSP, EJB), C/C++, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, HTML5, JDBC, RMI, AJAX, Javascript, Perl Scripting, XML, XSL, XPath, Apache POI, Apache Spark
Testing Tools Selenium, Cucumber, Junit, TestNG, Rest Assured, Postman
Frameworks Hibernate, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Microservices, Struts, Web Service(JAX-WS/JAX-RS)
Database Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, MYSQL, SQL Server
NoSQL Databases MongoDB
Servers Tomcat, NodeJS
UI AngularJS, Angular, ReactJS, BackboneJS
Java Script Tools Jasmine, Karma, Protractor, Mocha, Gulp, Grunt
Messaging Tools OpenMQ, Apache Kafka
Version Control SVN, CVS, GitHub, VSS


  • M.Tech (IT) - AAIDU
  • BCA - Bangalore University

Training Experience

  • Java Training - Mahindra - 2019
  • Angular 8 - TCS - 2019


  • MCT: Microsoft Certified Trainer - Microsoft
  • Microsoft Azure Administrator - Microsoft

Work Experience

  • Business Analyst - NIIT Technologies
  • Member of Technical Staff - Vault
  • Technical Associate - Infosys
  • Database Administrator - Archies
  • Technical Support Engineer - CLI3L


Bus Reservation System

Description: This project aims at booking bus tickets online by customers who have an account in the system.

  • Technologies: MongoDB, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Microservices with API
  • Netflix Zuul for API Gateway
  • Feign for Internal Microservice Invocation
  • Ribbon for Load Balancing
  • Hystrix for Circuit Breaker Pattern
  • Eureka for Naming and Discovery
  • Spring Cloud for Configuration Management

Description: COSYS (Cargo Operating System) is a work-flow based application and takes care of the operational needs of Air-Cargo Warehouses such as AWB/Shipment creation, Warehouse Acceptance and Delivery process, Collection of freight/ storage and other service charges, ULD Management, Load Controlling, Send/receive SITA messages over X.25 link etc. The application is closely interfaced with various heterogeneous applications provided by other vendors including a Customs custodian system (web services), a Material Handling System from Siemens, among others.


  • Coding
  • Co-ordinating with Delegates of Singapore Airline for UAT (User Acceptance Test)


  • Accenture
  • Apple (USA)
  • AQ Insights
  • BAeHAL
  • Brillio
  • Cap Gemini
  • CGI
  • ECI
  • EMC
  • Exilant Technologies
  • FannieMae (USA)
  • Fidelity
  • FreddieMac (USA)
  • Happiest Minds
  • HCL Technologies Ltd
  • Hexaware (USA)
  • IBM
  • InfoAxon
  • Infosys Ltd
  • Intuit
  • ITC Infotech
  • Larsen And Toubro
  • Mahindra Comviva
  • Mavenir
  • Myntra
  • Oracle
  • Samsung
  • SAP Ariba
  • Sasken Technologies
  • Siemens
  • Standard Charted Scope International
  • Tesco
  • Vault


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